Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Growing Pains

We’ve been trying to teach our beautiful daughter some things.  She knows her ABC’s, recognized all the letters (not all the lower case, but most of them) and she can mostly count to twenty.  What else should she be learning?  How am I supposed to know?  I haven’t been three years old since…………  So, I decided to check into a Pre-K Home School program.  It looks like they charge a hefty price to go to Pre-K for some reason, so home schooling might be the way for me to go.  I haven’t found anything yet, but I just started my research.  I’m thinking this might be the perfect way to prepare her for school.  She really loves learning new things and helping around the house.  She has so much energy, and I think she gets bored here during the day.  She loves to draw and play music.  I’m hoping to get her into a creative arts magnet school once she starts kindergarten, so I’m hoping to find a curriculum that includes art and music.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I find the right thing for her.  She is a very special little girl and deserves only the very best.

Hopefully, this time next week, she will be on her way to learning everything there is for a pre-schooler to know.


  1. Jacquie, I homeschooled both of my children last year while we travelled.It was a huge eye opener into the way they learn. They are 10 and 13!
    You will figure it out! Its constantly evolving...
    After returning from our trip abroad I ended up enrolling my son in a Waldorf thing i have ever done for him. Very music and art oriented...check it out!

  2. Dear Jacquie-your little girl is a DOLL!! She is just so beeeeeyooootiful:) My little girl is 2 and a half and I take her to classes at our community center 3x a week; an alphabet one, an art class and a dance. I am with her the whole class and she loves them! On our own time...i paint with her, read tons and tons, no telly at all, lots of park time and fit in down time too. They are constantly learning so...i think the most importnat thing is athat they have a safe home environment and access to you + books and toys. thanks for stopping by my blog! -soraya

  3. Dear Jacquie, Thank you for entering my giveaway. I agree that angels are so peaceful!! I love drawing them. Your little girl looks adorable!! She has a gorgeous smile and such beautiful hair!! She certainly deserves the best! Wini xo

  4. Main things is just for her to know she is loved. We are built to discover the world around us once we know we are safe. Our becoming is inevitable.
