Friday, October 28, 2011

Daily Art Challenge

I ran across a challenge today.  Leah at Creative Every Day is having a challenge to create art every day for the month of November.  So, I have decided to put myself to the test as well.  I’ve been meaning to create something every day, but before I know it, the day is over.  I will have a booth at Normalpalooza this year, so I need to produce some new work, so this is the perfect opportunity for me to do this. 

Several of my fellow fliers are participating in this challenge as well, so I hope you will check it out and see what they are up to as well.  I plan on posting my creations as I do them.  I may have to post a couple of days at once, but that will be ok.  I’ll make sure to mark which day it is for.  If you are up for a challenge, I hope you will join me.  It’s a great opportunity to get some work in your art journals or just get some new work going.  You can take a look and see what it's about in her post Art Every Day Month.



  1. Awesome challenge Jacquie!!! I can't wait to see what you create. I love your blog and your work is beautiful!!!! Kathy May

  2. I'm on it! See you there!

  3. Good for you! I can't do this for Nov., but maybe down the road I could. It's something that I would really love. Can't wait to see what you do.
