Monday, December 19, 2011

Moving Forward-2012

Well, the Holiday Market was a bust, but it’s time to move on and make plans for next year.  I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to accomplish in the next few months.  Back when I was stalking WendyBrightbill (she's an amazing person and artist, you should stalk her too), I ran across a post of hers where she had listed her 2011 I DidList.  She listed all of the goals she accomplished during the year.  Turns out, she did them all.  So, this made me think.  If I list all of my goals for 2012 on here, maybe it will keep me accountable and help me accomplish my goals as well.  Plus, it’s not a bad idea to let everyone know what I’m up to and what to look forward to in the future, right?
When I began Kelly Rae’s class, I listed my goals/dreams for my business.  I’m not sure I’ve actually gotten them all down yet, but I’m going to break it down into the ones I think are doable for the coming  year.  Actually, some things I have accomplished or started already, so that’s amazing.  I just need to keep ticking them off one by one.  It was so wonderful how Kelly Rae taught us to break down our goals and start getting them done.

These really aren’t in any sort of order.  It’s just a list of things I want to happen for me and my little business.  Some of them will also probably overlap anyway.  It would be great to see what you guys have in mind for the coming year as well.  Make yourself accountable too.

                Get a line of paper dolls together and in stores (I’m collaborating with a friend on this.  It’s going to be so much fun.  She is amazing, and I think we will work great together.)
                Get more Etsy sales. 
                Attend a few art festivals.  I plan on this being the last year I have to do shows.  I want to get enough exposure that I can rely on online sales and not traveling all the time.
                Join my local visual arts association.  This will give me some exposure in the community, and I will get to meet more local artists and network with them.
                Get published in at least three magazines this year.
                Continue my interview series-Inspiration Avenue
                Start steps toward teaching an online course.  Maybe make some tutorial videos and put them on youtube.

There are probably more than this, but I think it’s a good start.  Anything else is just icing on the cake.  My intention is to check in every quarter and see how the list is going.  I’ll try not to forget to do that.  I plan on 2012 being full of growth for my business.  


  1. I have been thinking about making a list of goals for the new year also. Great list!! I especially like the paper doll idea, I would totally buy something like that for my daughters.

  2. Oh, man...I am very much a planner in most ares of my life, but when it comes to what I'm going to do creatively, the idea of planning sends me into a cold sweat. I know I need to do it...maybe just jotting down a few notes first won't seem so daunting!

  3. Good plan, Jacquie. You can make that happen!!!!

  4. a detailed plan, breaking it down like that will make it work for you...that's for sure :)

  5. Great plans - I'm blogging mine on Jan 1st. It's a bit scary putting it all out there....

  6. Looks good. I bet you will accomplish those goals and more. Your girlie is super cute! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

  7. Sounds like a great plan for the coming year. All very doable by such a talented woman. I'm not good at writing down my goals, but I'm going to give it a try this year, especially with the new KRR class starting in January.

  8. Love your planning, Jacquie! I really like the idea of checking in each quarter to see how its going. Look forward to seeing all you do in 2012!

  9. Good for you! I believe they will all be attainable...look at what you have accomplished in the past 4 months since KRR. We will all hold you accountable:) Happy holidays and may 2012 be sweet and sparkly for you! Julie

  10. Your girls are beautiful ♥ Good luck for 2012. Thanks for your help on the FB page re; Life Book.. I shall have a go at making a copy before I paint! Best wishes, Gez.
